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i’ve been accused of writing occasionally.
you be the judge!
both fiction and notes (née “blog posts”) are available for your discernment.
- 2025-03-03 photography – q1 2025
- 2025-02-26 photography – q4 2024
- 2025-02-21 mood, or a martian anabasis
- 2025-02-16 music — a heavy metal vhs
- 2025-01-28 photography – italy 2024
- 2025-01-16 2024 in review
- 2024-09-09 the culture in montréal
- 2024-07-12 in media review – 2023
- 2024-05-28 bot – the lytton tribune
- 2024-05-11 refresh
- 2024-01-01 on film: 2023
- 2023-01-01 on film: 2022
- 2022-01-01 on film: 2021
- 2021-09-27 scene-loading menu
- 2021-01-01 on film: 2020
- 2020-01-01 on film: 2019
- 2019-01-01 on film: 2018
- 2018-03-24 prodding gnoggins
- 2018-01-09 on film: nov-dec 2017
- 2015-08-10 merci, bonsoir
- 2014-04-08 alien vs predator (jag) maps
- 2013-07-24 gnu-imp and the unity terrain system
- 2013-05-30 ko-op blog: magic carpet jam
- 2013-03-20 ko-op blog: concerning zero-g
- 2013-03-01 the roman financial crisis
- 2013-02-07 igda demonight: the movie
- 2013-02-02 igda demonight
- 2012-12-17 greedy aardvark
- 2012-12-16 moonlight, by jonas kyratzes
- 2012-12-01 unity and the android api
- 2012-11-24 screenshot saturday
- 2012-10-27 screenshot saturday
- 2012-09-29 progress resupply
- 2012-08-25 screenshot saturday
- 2012-08-21 a mars odyssey
- 2012-07-20 until tomorrow
- 2012-03-26 red rover – a new video!
- 2012-02-26 i played proteus.
- 2012-01-02 *oases* follow-up – word is bond/bagel
- 2011-12-23 ludum dare 22 – oases (final)
- 2011-12-18 ludum dare 22 – oases!
- 2011-11-29 the american dream on android!
- 2011-10-09 star trek: a day in the life
- 2011-09-21 not deus, exactly
- 2011-09-03 super mario solar system
- 2011-08-15 boston gameloop notes
- 2011-05-29 aperture (bad) science
- 2011-05-17 newton64's revised king james bible
- 2011-05-17 tojam dev journal
- 2011-05-13 tojam sixy times
- 2011-05-06 manster mash ost
- 2011-04-20 manster mash
- 2011-03-06 space race
- 2011-02-24 nasa fakes moon landing (in 2020)
- 2011-01-25 mass effect: bad astronomy pun
- 2011-01-05 my holiday playlist
- 2010-12-10 harry's 1st walkthrough
- 2010-11-27 skrud or pizza: world tournament
- 2010-11-25 skrud or pizza?
- 2010-11-19 the prince is dead – a mini post-mortem
- 2010-10-19 red rover – it's full of stars
- 2010-09-24 a good year
- 2010-08-21 a relocation in the life
- 2010-07-06 puzzle shots
- 2010-07-03 everything is wonderful
- 2010-06-11 spare parts – not cool, ea.
- 2010-06-08 humble beginnings - montreal gaming nights
- 2010-05-17 spare parts – walking a procedural path
- 2010-04-20 spare parts – an evolving prototype
- 2010-03-10 gamm4: the source is with you
- 2010-02-22 gamm4: the aftermath
- 2010-02-17 gamm4: now available
- 2010-02-08 gamm4: a submission and postmortem
- 2010-01-06 to infinity ward and beyond (the skybox)
- 2009-09-25 photo project: a year in the life
- 2009-09-01 mars, megdr, and proper signage
- 2009-08-12 red rover – the overture
- 2009-08-09 beginning game programming
- 2009-07-08 overbourn overload
- 2009-07-05 money, mouth. mouth, money.
- 2009-06-11 down the rabbit hole
- 2009-05-26 master of awesome
- 2009-04-15 the black triangle
- 2009-04-07 gdc09: one final conclusion
- 2009-03-31 gdc09, day 4.5: i'm moving back and forth through time
- 2009-03-31 gdc09, day 5: conclusion
- 2009-03-27 gdc09, day 4: ridiculous
- 2009-03-26 gdc09, day 3: it has begun
- 2009-03-25 gdc09, day 2: training day
- 2009-03-24 gdc09: food and drink
- 2009-03-21 the road to gdc, ep. v: here goes nothing
- 2009-03-19 the road to gdc, ep. iv: details
- 2009-02-26 the road to gdc09, ep. iii: it's dangerous to go alone!
- 2009-02-06 the road to gdc09, ep. ii: bluffing your way in
- 2009-02-06 the road to gdc09 (ep. i)
- 2008-10-29 bier und käse: a delicious postmortem
- 2008-10-19 dimensia: a gamma 3d postmortem
- 2008-09-04 gamma 3d
- 2008-08-17 gameon-na 2008
- 2007-10-23 the incomparable prince of sheffield
- 2007-08-01 eur07: appendices; or, europe on $122.86 a day
- 2007-07-25 eur07: the end of all things
- 2007-07-23 eur07: mathoms
- 2007-07-23 eur07: the black gate is closed
- 2007-07-21 eur07: this! is! spartaaa!
- 2007-07-18 eur07: out of the frying pan, into the greek fire.
- 2007-07-14 eur07: genesis romanes
- 2007-07-13 eur07: all roads
- 2007-07-12 eur07: padua, and the houses of healing
- 2007-07-09 eur07: the mad king
- 2007-07-08 eur07: maman, j'ai raté l'avion; or, prost!
- 2007-07-06 eur07: the ring goes south
- 2007-07-03 eur07: ah, paris; or, les enfants de la patrie
- 2007-06-28 eur07: rule britannia
- 2007-06-25 eur07: there and back again
- 2006-10-01 on a dark and stormy night...
- 2014-05-05 insomnia