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GDC09: One Final Conclusion

At this point, I’ve had about as many “final” posts about GDC09 as there have been “Final” Fantasies, but I can promise that this will be absolutely the last one today.

When the IGDA offered 25 international students the opportunity to attend GDC, it was an offer we couldn’t refuse. They’d cover the $2000+ entrance fee, set us up with industry mentors, even provide a quick studio tour, hey-badda-bing-badda-boom. Who were we to argue? Of course, said the anthropomorphised IGDA, there was one more thing. Some day—and that day may never come—they might call upon us to write up a report of our week in San Francisco.

Well, sure enough, that day has come. I whipped up a response in three parts (as required): the overall experience, our three favourite sessions, and some advice for future attendees. Given my penchant for full disclosure, I include the report below. I’m also re-posting my full lecture notes from the conference, in case anyone missed them a few posts ago. Together, both files pretty much make up the best summary possible from my perspective. Enjoy them, won’t you?
