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In Media Review – 2023

Years-in-review are all the rage, when the years are waning. In my case, I had to get this website up & running, buy real estate, and engage in any number of further excuses before I finished compiling my own. Still: better late, we hope.

Now, what the heck was I up to? In brief, and with some highlights…

2023 in books

my StoryGraph year in review; i read 29 books

  • The Cairo Trilogy
    • An absolute stunner. The times are historic, the scope & depth are remarkable, and the characters are miserable & beautiful & human.
  • Cooking As Though You Might Cook Again
    • Meditative & humble, an argument for simple foods appreciated with a kind of secular grace. Also plenty of legumes.
  • Spelunky
    • Extremely considered & insightful look at the creation of a masterpiece. Fascinating stuff.

2023 in film

my Letterboxd year in review; i saw 52 films in the end

  • Roma
    • One of the most beautiful movies I’ve ever seen.
  • The Vast of Night
    • Watched with my dad, who has a reputation for throwing on any old thing, but this was surprising. Great performances from the leads, palpable tension.
  • Wait Until Dark
    • Hep kills it, Arkin chills it.

2023 in games

my Backloggd games of the year

Games are a weird one, spread over so many platforms and affordances, each one vying for your Engagement, each with their own year-in-a-walled-garden-in-review.

Here are a few games that weren’t necessarily the best of the year, but that did leave the strongest impressions on me.

  • Colossal Cave – A fair number of issues with this one, but interesting in a theoretical sense, to see a venerated creator revisit their own inspirations.

screenshot: Colossal Cave. a bird perched in a cave.

screenshot: Disco Elysium. Harry awakens.

  • EndlightTempest 2000 by way of House of Leaves and vice-versa.

screenshot: Endlight. The Dream Is Over.

screenshot: Link's Awakening. Mabe Village.

  • Northern Journey – Incredibly beautiful and frustrating. Extremely Norwegian.

screenshot: Northern Journey. adventure awaits. maybe.

screenshot: System Shock 2. so edgy.

screenshot: Thousand Threads. The mail never stops.

2023 in music

my Last.fm charts for the year.

The best part about never having been cool, is not having to try to be cool. Most of what I listened to this year was old video game music (primarily from the tracker era), or drone, or electronic, primarily to help me focus while working on other things requiring a rudimentary attention to some kind of language or another.

Shouts out to Mary Lattimore’s Goodbye, Hotel Arkada, and Ki Oni’s A Leisurely Swim to Everlasting Life for being particularly tuned-in to my exact wavelength – beautiful music in its own right, but also a calming presence over my shoulder.

I also have to mention LCD Soundsystem’s “how do you sleep?”, whose rising action and absolutely pulsing energy is going to keep me moving for years.

Oh, I also listened, as always, to a lot of Elder.

That was my that year, with our this year half over. Here’s hoping that this next half year brings a year’s worth of joy to all of us here.

In the meantime, you can see what’s keeping me going on any of my usual hauntings.
