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on film: nov-dec 2017

Some photos taken in the waning months of 2017, when I’d first rediscovered the Nikon FM-2 my mum had handed down to me.

Taken on AGFA 200 & Kodak 400 film, respectively, though the exact film stock has been lost to time.

fairy lights strung across the frame, with city lights in heavy bokeh in the background fairy lights in the ko_op offices (AGFA 200)

the window of a dépanneur, showing a bottle of Molson Ex in neon, and topped with a big welcome sign reading "Bienvenue!" Bienvenue! (AGFA 200)

a city bus climbs the overpass in front of the Van Horne Warehouse & water tower Arcade & Clark (AGFA 200)

pale golden dried grass, near the Van Horne overpass grasses (AGFA 200)

drinks, candles, and glasses on a bar table cinq à sept (AGFA 200)

st.-laurent street as it dips under the railway, lit by orange halogen underpass (AGFA 200)

a champagne flute on a table, under fairy lights, with allsorts candies cheers (Kodak 400)

the Van Horne Warehouse in the background of... another warehouse warehouse (Kodak 400)

silhouette of an older man walking off the street into the Centre d'hébergement Jean-De-La-Lande admittance (Kodak 400)

several people around an empty table, one of them holding a to-go cup of coffee to go (Kodak 400)

The works above are licensed under CC BY 4.0
