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Photography – Q4 2024

Catching up with a few more rolls of film I shot in the waning months of 2024.

The first was a roll of Kodak Max 400, which surfaced in a box after our move. Given where I found it, I think the roll may have been sitting unused for ten years or more, and sure enough, the results were pretty damaged. I’d half-expected as much, so I just shot with abandon, but I’m still happy with some of the results (after working it over a little in post).

The second roll was my more usual Kodak Portra 400.

All shot on a Nikon FM-2.

Kodak Max 400

A weather-worn and graffitied warehouse & bright green garbage container Entrepôt

An orange mug of cappuccino & a latte on a stool outside a coffee shop Caffè

An orange temporary fence around a dig site and a cinder bollard Fence

A cluster of cosmos flowers leaning out over the sidewalk Cosmos

A riot of wild flowers & grasses around the base of a lamp post Wildflowers

The tower of the Olympic Stadium rising up over a parking lot with several trailers Spire

The tower of the Olympic Stadium again, cropped with just some treetops Tree top

The entrance to the Insectarium: a concrete path leading into a glass-walled building Insectarium

A bicycle chained to a post on the sidewalk Bicycle

A bouquet of flowers backlit by direct sunlight Bouquet

A shipping container with a sign reading Zone Rose, and a giant pink cone rising from the top; a woman stands in front, dressed in black, speaking on a pink phone Zone Rose

A Bell telephone booth, tagged and derelict, on a patch of grass Land line

A squirrel crouches on the back of a park bench Poise

Light and shadow on a red fence and a twiggy tree in front of a shed Shed

A seagull walks by a park bench in a public square Gull

Candles stuck in wax-covered bottles on a picnic table Smoker's corner

Kodak Portra 400

The base of the Charles de Gaulle monument in Parc Lafontaine Monument

A plastic lawn chair under dramatic light in front of an apartment building This chair in particular

Buildings & trees on the campus of l'Hôpital Notre-Dame Campus

Grey, looming clouds framed by autumnal trees A gathering

A dark green, locked utility box affixed to a leaf-covered wall Affixed

A dry wading pool at Parc Lafontaine Wadi

Concrete barriers around an underpass on St.-Denis Slope

Bikes chained on the sidewalk under typical Montréal stairways Automne en ville

The Vespasienne in Parc Lafontaine, at dusk Vespasienne

Open, brown seed pods, with tufts sticking out Pod 01

More seed pods & seed tufts Pod 02

A couple walks by the dried pond at Parc Lafontaine Promenade

A person on a Bixi bike crosses the intersection in front of Laurier metro station Metro Laurier

The round-wedge shape of Tour Sherbrooke, from the Berri escarpment Tour Sherbrooke

A small, vibrant green weed emerging from a concrete crack Tree

Two parked taxis, one driver standing by the other car & chatting, framed by a Couche-Tard billboard Couche tard

Snowed-over tennis courts, with nets put away for the season Off season

Dried wildflowers & weeds sticking out between snowy boulders Dried up

The works above are licensed under CC BY 4.0
