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Greedy Aardvark

Being an Orthodox Canadian, I was raised on The Raccoons, and there’s this one shot during the show’s intro where villain-with-a-heart-of-maybe-like-tungsten Cyril Sneer is shown playing what looks like capitalism. Check out 0:40 of the video:

I’d always wondered just what in the log driver’s name that thing was, and this past weekend’s Ludum Dare 48-hour game jam finally gave me a chance to explore that question.

The result is a new thing: Greedy Aardvark.

It controls rather strangely, but I was working off the 1.5 seconds of footage in the show’s intro. I managed to have some fun with the level design, particularly in the latter third of the… well… ten levels. As I wrote elsewhere – this is not the game Cyril played, but perhaps the first voice in its choir.

Read the README and sing it with me.

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  • The Unity folks were kind enough to provide a 4-month trial of Unity Pro to those who participated in LD48. Unity Pro is pretty rad.
  • How many times did I type “groovy aardvark” instead of “greedy aardvark”? Many, many times.
  • Didn’t have time to model Sneer, the evergreen trees, the money bags, and the random blue thing. Next time, Gadget. Next time.
  • The “runs” of blue lines caught me completely by surprise, so I played with ‘em a bit more in the final levels. The importance of playtesting.
