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EUR07: Ah, Paris; or, Les enfants de la Patrie

Zut, quoi!

Well, Paris is Paris. It would be fairly useless to try to put into words l’esprit de la ville; much like the Matrix, you have to see it for yourself. Suffice it to say, it is overwhelmingly beautiful.

My first night here, I had a tapas dinner in the most prototypically fantastic Parisien lane: cobblestones, shuttered windows with locals peering out into the evening, the occasional cycle swinging through. Amazing. The next day was spent with Frank and Melissa; a beautiful day for walking and sightseeing, we passed through Père Lachaise cemetary, had lunch and dinner at a few more brasseries, stumbled upon this sort of Eiffelish tower (I was absolutely blown away, though I’d seen it before), and finished off a picture-perfect day with a few crepes on a small side-street terrace. Yesterday, I passed by Montmartres, and this morning, Notre-Dame, though it’s raining pretty heavily today.

Tomorrow, I’m up nice and early to catch a train for Carcassonne at Gare Austerlitz at 10am.

And now I’m off to relax, dry off, and listen to some tunes from the hostel’s Norwegian bartender/one-man blues band.

À bientôt.
