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✨nick nick nick nick✨


games are either lewd or nude, it's like nintendo v sega for academics.

2018-06-01, 4:45:48 p.m.

Favs: 2

Retweets: 0

✨nick nick nick nick✨


"sir we're about to land on a slightly different planet, shall i send in veteran stormtroopers?"
*advances to transparisteel viewport*
"...invent an entirely new kind of troopers."
-star wars eps. 5, 6, 2, 3, 7, 8, &c

2018-06-01, 10:55:23 p.m.

Favs: 5

Retweets: 1

✨nick nick nick nick✨


personally i think everyone should pee on the american president.

2018-06-02, 11:12:22 p.m.

Favs: 0

Retweets: 0

✨nick nick nick nick✨


"political correctness" is such a dumb fucking sigil wielded by the powerful to continue harrassing minorities.

2018-06-03, 6:16:36 a.m.

Favs: 3

Retweets: 0

✨nick nick nick nick✨


raise hands if ya had too many eggs, lord i'm in that zone 👋👋🍳🥚

2018-06-03, 12:16:21 p.m.

Favs: 1

Retweets: 0

✨nick nick nick nick✨


tired: making of the uncharted 2 train ride
wired: making of the shadows of the empire ord mantell junkyard hovertrain ride


2018-06-03, 8:56:17 p.m.

Favs: 0

Retweets: 0

✨nick nick nick nick✨


there are five vr headsets at my workstation and six vr wands, this is the #future of #business.

2018-06-04, 10:59:22 a.m.

Favs: 0

Retweets: 0